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Vagus power. Interesting article in The Guardian about the potential of vagus nerve stimulation; something I have been nerding on for quite some years including when attending courses at my friend through 40 years (👴🏻✌🏻👴🏻✌🏻) Jakob Lund’s Art of Living center. When Jakob and I, first through a shared interest in Martial Arts, started talking about meditation and breath work, so many years ago, it was really not very cool and many people found it strange. A lot has happened since and Jakob has become one of the best teachers in the world within this domain, including working with hardened criminals; getting them on the right path, amongst other methods, through stimulation of the nervous system, hereunder the vagus nerve. Check it out! 🧘♂️🌬️🙏 🔗Links in bio. … Interessant artikel i The Guardian om potentialet ved vagusnervestimulering; noget jeg har nørdet i en del år, bl.a. gennem kurser hos min ven gennem 40 år (👴🏻✌🏻👴🏻✌🏻) Jakob Lund herunder i hans Art of Living center. Da Jakob og jeg, indledningsvist gennem en fælles interesse for kampsport, begyndte at tale om meditation og åndedrætsarbejde for så mange år siden, var det virkelig ikke særlig cool og mange fandt det weird. Der er dog sket meget siden, og Jakob er blevet en af de bedste lærere i verden inden for dette domæne, bl.a. arbejdet med hårde kriminelle som han har hjulpet på rette vej, blandt andre metoder, gennem positiv stimulering af nervesystemet, herunder vagus verven. Prøv det! 🧘♂️🌬️🙏 🔗Links i bio. #vagusnerve #breathwork #meditation @jakob_lund_yoga @artoflivingdenmark @_breathesmart
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