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Who's guilty of telling themselves one or more of these? 🙋 The more you tell yourself something, the more you'll convince yourself it's true. 1. You're not bad with money. No one is just bad with money. Because money management isn't a gift that anyone is naturally blessed with. How we handle our money can be influenced by lots of external factors but ultimately it's up to us. Instead of saying 'I'm bad with money' try 'I want to learn how to manage my money better'. 2. Saving is not something that just people with large incomes can do. In fact, the periods in my life when I earned the least amount of money was when I actually put the most money away. If you're in debt and can't afford to save now, that doesn't mean it'll always be this way. Don't let a negative attitude stop you from taking action to achieve your money goals. 3. Small amounts are powerful. We all have to start somewhere and if saving just a £1 or 2 here or there is all you can manage then you are laying the foundations for success because you're building good habits. Small amounts snowball and they can have a big impact. 4. "You need lots of money to start investing". This is one of the biggest lies I personally told myself... "I'll start investing once I'm debt free", "I'll start investing once we've bought a house", "I'll start investing once I'm earning £x". The reality is, I was putting it off because I found it scary and therefore it was easier to make excuses. You don't need lots of money, you just need to start. . . . #BrokeAF #BudgetingTips #DebtFreeCommunity #DebtFreeCommunityUK #DebtFreedom #DebtFreeLife #DebtFreeLiving #EmotionalSpending #FinancialFreedom #FinancialIndependence #FinancialLiteracy #GetOutOfDebt #HowToSaveMoney #LiveLikeNoOneElse #MoneyEducation #MoneyGoals #MoneyHabits #MoneyManagement #MoneyMatters #MoneyMindset #MoneySavvy #NoSpendChallenge #OnABudget #PayOffDebt #PayingOffDebt #PersonalFinanceForWomen #SpendingHabits #UKDebtFreeCommunity #UKMoneyBloggers #WomenAndMoney
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