Hi! I'm a young FEMALE (YES, FEMALE!) IT enthusiast! I'm a Windows Insider MVP (YES, I have just been re-awarded as an MVP!), so you can find loads of Windows 10/11 Insider builds and various update reviews! I also post regularly tech and Windows how-to videos. If you enjoy what I do, please support me on Ko-fi! ➤ FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @WindowsLove3 ( ● My main goal is to help people with their computers. You can help me too, just by supporting me - I mean by subscribing, liking, and sharing my videos with others. It's that simple, and it means a lot for me, so please stay tuned to get the best IT support!!! PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME ANY VIDEO REQUESTS. IF YOU HAVE GOT ANY QUESTIONS, CONTACT ME HERE: [email protected] and [email protected] JUST REMEMBER TO BE POLITE WHEN WRITING YOUR QUERY! I'LL TRY TO ANSWER IT WITHIN 24 HOURS.
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