Welcome to the Official Channel of kedy sehok. Kedy sehok (Birth name - Kuldeep Maurya) is an independent Singer/YouTuber from Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh. Born in Sagar, Madhya Pradesh On 27th october 1989. Lives in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh. Find Beautiful Original Songs and Covers. Doing Cover songs, Original songs and Mashups since 2014. Loved for his voice. Uploads latest cover songs on regular basis. His songs featured in movies and music videos. He is building his audience love through his youtube channel and other social media platforms. Born in Madhya Pradesh and raised in Uttar Pradesh. Currently runs a Recording Studio in Unwal, Gorakhpur. Subscribe to find more about kedy sehok. E - mail - [email protected] Join kedy sehok's social media and stay updated.
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