Adyashanti (“primordial peace”) is an American-born spiritual teacher. He has taught throughout the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia. He is the author of 11 books. Born Stephen Gray in 1962, he became interested in enlightenment at the age of 19. At 20, he began studying Zen Buddhism with Arvis Joen Justi, whose teacher was Taizan Maezumi Roshi. Adyashanti also attended retreats with Jakusho Kwong Roshi (a disciple of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi). At 25, while meditating one day, Adyashanti felt what he has described as “an incredible onrush of energy.” This was his first awakening, followed by an inner voice that urged him to “Keep going.” At 31 Adyashanti had another profound awakening. Arvis Justi then asked him to start teaching. In 2000, a US nonprofit, Open Gate Sangha, Inc., was established to make available the teachings of Adyashanti to all those who sincerely yearn for peace and freedom. Adyashanti lives in the Eastern Sierras with his wife, Mukti, also a spiritual teacher.
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