SABOO - CERAMIC PRO - INDIA (Sole Distributor for Ceramic Pro series in India) Benefits of Ceramic Pro Glass Coats - 1. Anti scratch improved by 80% 2. Fire & Flame Resistant 3. Antioxidant 4. Anti static 5. Anti Acids 6. Anti Salt water 7. Anti Rust 8.Excellent high Gloss Effect 9. Glass Mirror Finish 10.Hydrophobic Effect -Water Repelling 11.Anti calcium Effect 12.Dirt deflecting 13.Easy to clean self cleaning Effect 14. Weather Protection 15.Uv weather Resistant 16. Insects and flies Repellent 17. Anti Corrosion 18. 1 year - 5 years warranty if taken proper care. Contact - Nishant Saboo 9949555555 / 9885533333
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