When was the last time you pushed pause on your busy life to ask yourself, “Why?” Why am I doing all these? Why am I feeling this way? Why am I alive? At YMI (which stands for Why Am I?), we encourage you to dive into deeper conversation about everyday life. This ongoing cycle need not be a mundane one. Let’s take time to discover our purpose and make our lives count for the one who gave life to us. MAKE GOD’S WORD KNOWN We can’t do this work without like-minded friends. Share about the amazing way God has been working in your life, and be encouraged by the stories of your peers. GET INVOLVED We’d love to help if your desire is to use your talent (writing, photography, art, etc.) for His glory. Write to us at [email protected] or go to the CONTRIBUTE page. GET SHARING Use your influence to make a difference in another’s life. If you’ve benefited from any content, share it on your social media platforms.
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