Hello there! So here is some info about me and my content :) 🎀 I'm Katrina. I was born in Latvia. My native language is Latvian, also I speak Russian and English. 🎀 My username: Xbox - my favorite console when I started YouTube, Gamer - because I love games, K - first letter of my name 😅 💜 I am making animations on this channel. Sometimes I make progress videos, funny moments or just giving review on animators who (In my opinion) have good stuff on their channel and has something do with animations. 💜 My animation style is cartoonish, BUT it is a mature content with violent and gore filled scenes. WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK! (Horror genre) ❌ DO NOT ❌ 🖤 Don't ask me for private stuff (intros, remakes, commissions, requests, suggestions, models) 🖤 Don't be disrespectful to people who put effort into their creation! My partnership -
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