The World Barista Championship , World Latte Art Championship, World Coffee in Good Spirits Championships, World Brewers Cup Championship, World Coffee Roasting Championship, World Cup Tasters Championship, Cezve/Ibrik Championship, and the All-Stars program. Produced annually by World Coffee Events & the Specialty Coffee Association. #WorldBaristaChampionship #WBC #WorldLatteArtChampionship #WLAC #WorldCoffeeInGoodSpiritsChampionship #WCIGS #WorldBrewersCup #WBRC #WorldCoffeeRoastingChampionship #WCRC #WorldCupTastersChampionship #WCTC #CezveIbrikChampionship #CIC #AllStarsOnline #WCCPodcast #WorldCoffeeChampionships #WCC
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