Created by mother-daughter duo, Elisa Goodkind and Lily Mandelbaum, StyleLikeU is a radically honest storytelling platform powering a self-acceptance revolution. Through intimate docu-style video series, including The What's Underneath Project, Getting Dressed: An Act of Self-Love, Dispelling Beauty Myths and more, we celebrate personal style (and beauty) as an expression of individuality, empowerment and self-acceptance. In our hero series, The What’s Underneath Project, diverse role models strip down to open up about style, self-image, and identity. In What's Underneath, the act of undressing is a symbol for shedding the binds of cultural conditioning placed upon us all with regards to how we look and is a catalyst for our subjects and viewers alike to claim self-acceptance. We hope that coming to this channel will leave you feeling more comfortable in the skin you are in and feeling unapologetically free to be who we all so desperately need to be: who we are.
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