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We bounce from a yoga teacher to a 'specific coach' at least once in our adult learning journey and as to why I am still doing this for 9 years now. Well, everyone start from ground zero. I understand how it feels to be tight EVERYWHERE and FEAR-ing the fall on the back in handstands. To be brutally honest, I started all these movement at a much later chapter in my life. 30. Yes, 30 years of self limiting beliefs. No doubt, jumping out from a chopper or a C130/CH47 were more of a 'daredevil' act and I always benchmark any NEW movement with jumping out from a flying plane. Embarking to touch my own toes in 2014 was an excruciating journey, let alone opening up my shoulders for a perceived 'perfect' handstand, all thanks to social media (sarcasm in ALL aspect). It took me just a month to be independent at the age of 30 to hold a very bad handstands but hey! How many out there are actually holding it? In my opinion, your very own handstand holds will be atrocious at first but as long as you can calm down for 30 seconds in the position, we can slowly work to improve the form. Safety has to be considered too, the slight deviation in the shoulder angle or the angle of arch in the lower back. Or else, injuries. We know how that might affect our journey. Hence your very least fav, chest to wall holds. The CB (yes, that explicit word is used here) part about the current coaches now is that they based on their current standards and further enforcing that standard to a mere beginner. If only they dared to look at their position 5/10/15/20 years ago... If we accept the past, only then teaching leniency, compassion and being more encouraging rather than being condescending will give others hope to make them, fu*k it, we can make the whole nation to hold a successful handstands. President mentioned alot of solidarity. Handstands is solidarity practice at it's best. Right from being mindful, persistency, harmony, consensus and doing what is truly needed. But us coaches, to run away from our own factual past, isn't how we get others into a handstand or goals. . #DareToBeDifferent #LiveInTheMoment #KeepDoingYou #MaximumEffort #CantHurtMe #DaringGreatly
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